• Question: what would you say to kids these days to try and convince them to become an engineer?

    Asked by 200hspc34 to Will, Jamie on 15 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by 378hspc28.
    • Photo: William Scott-Jackson

      William Scott-Jackson answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I wouldn’t say anything. I’d show them some my workshop material and give them a chance to have a go themselves and realise how simple it is to get started and how empowering it is to wire up a simple circuit and write some code to make an LED flash. That usually does an excellent job of getting them excited and engaged. They will then get curious and put their own time into trying it for themselves.

    • Photo: Jamie Johnston

      Jamie Johnston answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      I would say go get involved in some workshops, you may not enjoy it, but there’s a good chance you will, the only way you’ll ever find out is by giving it a go.
