• Question: what sort of programming do you do as an engineer?

    Asked by k-poplover<3 to Jamie, Will on 16 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by Mark Dibiah.
    • Photo: Jamie Johnston

      Jamie Johnston answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      In my current role we have our own programming language that is used to control the various systems on a machine, this way we can alter the way the test runs to create a faster or more reliable method, or alter it to detect different infections. It can be tricky to learn a new programming language but once you’ve learnt one then others come quite easily as everything is logical.

      When I was studying I had to learn other simple languages such as NC machine code, which is used to control big cutting machines that make complex objects out of blocks of metal.

    • Photo: William Scott-Jackson

      William Scott-Jackson answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      At the moment I’ve been writing a huge software library in C++ to manipulate and process medical scanner data. That takes up most of my time as a programmer.

      I also do programming for other projects, I’ve got a side project for the Institute of Sound Recording where I have to scan music from a roll and encode it into a digital music format so it can be played back with a MIDI controller.
