• Question: tell me about the most difficult project you have faced this past year

    Asked by Ashley adeyemo to Jamie, Kristen, Sheun, Simon, Will on 19 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: William Scott-Jackson

      William Scott-Jackson answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      My PhD project has proven to be rather difficult. What makes it difficult as there are many fields of science all coming together to form a rather complex problem. Some of the issues arise from scanner a living, breathing person, their organs are moving and not remaining still. There is issues arising from the laws of physics and probability. There are issues coming from the limitations in technology. All of these factors make for a very tricky project.

    • Photo: Sheun Oshinbolu

      Sheun Oshinbolu answered on 21 Jun 2015:

      The most difficult project would be my EngD project. Since there are many different aspects (cell culture, analytics, developing assays) to consider it can be quite tricky to balance and manage my time well ensuring that I cover the right things at the right time.

    • Photo: Jamie Johnston

      Jamie Johnston answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      The most difficult project this past year has been developing a part that had to carefully avoid infringing on heavily patented technology. It relied on a lot of testing and took almost a year to get a reliable prototype.
