• Question: is your job dangerous and if so how?

    Asked by Nathan B to Simon, Sheun, Jamie, Kristen, Will on 17 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by jtdavies2013.
    • Photo: Sheun Oshinbolu

      Sheun Oshinbolu answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      No I wouldn’t say my job is dangerous. Sometime I have to use chemicals but I’m usually careful and I wear protective clothing and lab specs. Safety is important and if I ever have to work with anything dangerous I get the support and protection I need and even supervision.

    • Photo: William Scott-Jackson

      William Scott-Jackson answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      Occasionally if I’m down in the labs I may cut or burn myself; but nothing a plaster or cold water won’t fix.

      However, when we go to do experiments at the hospital we have to be mindful of radiation and radioactivity from the scanners. It’s safe enough for a patient to be scanned a few times a year but people working around scanners every day have to be careful to avoid radiation whenever possible as health complications can arise from too much radiation.

    • Photo: Jamie Johnston

      Jamie Johnston answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      There is opportunity for my job to be dangerous if you don’t follow procedures and regulations but otherwise it is very safe. We have hazards such as dangerous chemicals that can burn, hypodermic needles and other sharps, power tools, hot tools etc.

      There are some hazardous biological materials in the lab but they are very heavily controlled and you wear protective clothing so that they cannot harm you. All the staff who might handle these have vaccinations to be extra safe.

    • Photo: Simon Marchant

      Simon Marchant answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      On my first day on the job I had a safety briefing that basically told me that I was going to be attacked by strangers, stuck with needles, die in a fire, be electrocuted and have an arm chopped off within a week. None of that has happened yet so I think my job is pretty safe…
